The next meet up for the UK usergroup will be at Drupal for NGOs, an event organised by Rob Purdie of Important Projects on Tuesday 10 June from 6pm-8pm. It's a Drupal as opposed to CiviCRM focused event, but there should be lots of overlap.
Blog posts by michaelmcandrew
Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
20 mai 2008
By michaelmcandrew Filed under CiviCRM
If you're in the area, then come along to the first UK CiviCRM usergroup tomorrow at 4pm GMT. It's at Voluntary Action Westminster, 37 Chapel St, London, Greater London, NW1 5DP.
Anyone using / developing / interested in CiviCRM as an ICT professional / non profit employee / volunteer, etc. is welcome to drop by, share success stories, talk through problems, work out how to collaborate better, and be part of future developments. We'll have Dave Greenberg joining us on Skype as the day starts in San Francisco (around 5 or 6pm our time). I'll report back here on how things went.
After London, we plan on touring round the country a bit. Bristol and Manchester to start off. More information in this forum post.
Hope you can join us tomorrow.