Blog posts by Nathan Porter

Restez à l'affut des dernières nouvelles de CiviCRM avec les billets de blogue de développeurs et d'utilisateurs de partout dans le monde.
By Nathan Porter Filed under Interface and design, Tips

While CiviCRM has undergone major updates and re-organization under the hood since the platform was started in 2005, it's User Interface has largely remained the same. This is all about to change with the introduction of the new Shoreditch Theme for CiviCRM.


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By Nathan Porter Filed under Case studies and user stories

Contributed by Christie Wentz, Executive Director of Drug Free Pennsylvania, Inc

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By Nathan Porter Filed under CiviCon, Community, Meetups, Tips, Training

After having worked with CiviCRM for going on a year, I was excited to see the community around the project and learn more about others who are using CiviCRM. Initially, I questioned the risk vs. reward of traveling 3000 miles across the country and leaving my new business for so many days. As the time drew closer and I started digging deeper into the session descriptions I began to get excited.

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