Blog posts by speleo

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By speleo Filed under CiviMember, Extensions, Joomla

Want to control the Joomla ACL depending on a user’s membership status?

Version 2 of the Joomla CiviCRM Membership Authentication Plugin does precisely this for Joomla 1.6 and CiviCRM 4.0 users. 

Allows users to login with either their username or email address

Uses the Joomla user table to authenticate

Checks that that user has a current CiviCRM membership record

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By speleo Filed under Joomla

If you’re running a site using Joomla you’re no doubt aware that some things which appear to be straight forward with a Drupal base aren’t so easy. Both Joomla and Drupal have their strengths and weaknesses, I just happen to be a long way down the Joomla path.

A big issue for me was how do I restrict access to my site depending on memberships to a real world (non internet) organisation. All my members have an entry in the CiviCRM database but many will not have a CMS login. Out of the box there was no real way of achieving this without getting into LDAP territory.

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