Help Sustain & Improve CiviCRM!

$ 4,000.00 of $ 75,000.00 Raised
5% Goal Met
$ 71,000.00 Still Needed
1 Supporter

We have some pretty big objectives for 2024 that we cover in our latest Annual Report. Combined, we project that we need an additional .65 full-time-equivalent, or roughly an additional $75,000 in funding. This represents a 17.5% increase in our budget which will be used to improve SearchKit and FormBuilder, to develop a new user interface, and to work to scale the community.

We need your support to make this happen and to continue to push CiviCRM forward. 2025 will be 20 years since CiviCRM was established. Let's push hard in 2024 and celebrate 20 years of CiviCRM with the absolute best ever open source CRM for nonprofits worldwide!

If you would like to donate at a higher amount or in a different currency and prefer an invoice with transfer details, please email Josh at


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Other Amount $
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