Developer training (before CiviCon Colorado 2016)

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Want to customize CiviCRM? Create Extensions? Submit improvements to core? If you are a new developer to the CiviCRM community or if you need a refresher on best practice and the latest toolsets, join us at the developer training before CiviCon Colorado.

To really round out your knowledge of CiviCRM. please register for CiviCon Colorado - the annual north American CiviCRM conference where you will meet and learn from the people that make CiviCRM happen. CiviCon attendees get a $50 discount on this training.

To immediately apply what you have learned in the training, sign up for the Colorado Sprint. CiviCon attendees get a $50 discount on the Sprint.

Attending the conference, sprint and the training is the best way to become a competent CiviCRM developer.

By registering to the conference first, you will receive in your confirmation email the discount codes to save up to $100.


mai 31st, 2016 9:00 AM to juin 1st, 2016 5:30 PM
Colorado State University (CSU)
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
Agrandir cette carte
Adresse électronique :
Event Fee(s)
Two days training 599.00 $US
One night in single 80.00 $US
One night in double 55.00 $US
Two nights in single room 149.00 $US
Two nights in shared room 99.00 $US
Three nights in single room 229.00 $US
Three nights in shared room 149.00 $US
Please select your arrival date
May 30
May 31