État de développement
Sites actifs
Développé par
This extension does the following:
- Creates a document set in Sharepoint for each contact in CiviCRM
- Create a document set in Sharepoint for each case in CiviCRM
- Provides a link to the sharepoint document set on the contact summary screen
- Provides a link to the sharepoint document set on the case summary screen
Installation instructions
- Download the file from https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/sharepoint/-/archive/master/sharepoint-master.zip
- Unzip it into your extension folder
- Open a command line and go to your extension folder (e.g. cd www/sites/default/files/civicrm/ext/sharepoint)
- Run the command composer install
Sharepoint configuration
To configure sharepoint follow the instructions on https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/sharepoint/blob/master/docs/Configure_Sharepoint.md