2006-11-29 13:10
As some of you are aware our development team is fairly distributed. We have developers in Mumbai - India, Warsaw - Poland and San Francisco - US. Effective next week, we will have a presence in Nelson - New Zealand. I'm moving to NZ for 9 months and am looking forward to it. You could follow our adventures on my newly created personal blog. If there are any CiviCRM'ers / Drupal'ers in the Nelson area, would be great to form a co-working space, join forces and spread the open source paradigm with organizations in that area.
Dave Greenberg will also be on vacation for a large part of December. We are pretty confident that the rest of the team will do a great job of keeping the project and community moving forward at our normal blistering pace. Feel free to keep them busy and on their toes with a constant supply of feature requests, bug reports and installation issues :)
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Dear Lobo,
Welcome to New Zealand. I hope you will find here what you are looking for.
Cycling Advocate's Network is a non-profit organization. We are the voice for cyclists in New Zealand, and we work with the government and with transportation agencies to improve the conditions for cyclists. We are a national organizational, and we have a network of 14 local user groups located all around New Zealand. We are considering the possibility of using CiviCRM. We are interested in keeping in touch with other organizations that are using CiviCRM. After we acquire more experience, we can collaborate with the CiviCRM team providing feedback and bug tracking and wish lists and things like that. In our team we have people with past experience in Drupal. I have past experience implementing and Zoho. I would apreciate if you could keep in touch.
Andre Cymbalista
skype: andrecymbalista
Hey Andre:
Thanx for the welcome :) As always most kiwis are awesome and incredibly helpful with all things out here in Nelson. Trying to get things organized and settled which is fairly involved.
I'd love to be of service and help out with CAN. Let me know how and where I can help. We bike a fair amount and am involved with the San Francisco Bike Coalition (more as a funder rather than an activist). One of the tasks on my list is to buy a couple of bikes for the family :)