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Dernière mise à jour: 2024-06-11

Conçue pour CiviCRM 5.35 et plus.

Benchmark tools

An APIv3 tool that run synthetic benchmarks using various CiviCRM and non-CiviCRM components so that it can simulate a heavy workload and introduce stress-test on to the server that it's being used. The output of the benchmark results displays in the console and to comma delimited CSV file(s).

While the benchmarks are far from perfect, we can still use the extension as a reference tool.

Imagine the following scenario:

You have a CiviCRM instance located on server A with vendor A and want to check the performance on a new server B from vendor B. The idea with this scenario is to have 2 identical sites (server A & server B) and execute the same benchmarks on both servers A & B.

This way, you will be able to compare the results and judge if you need to improve further the performance of server B or not.

For each run of the benchmark, a CSV file will be generated under the folder ConfigAndLog with the following format: benchmark_job_results_<Ymd>.csv

The CSV files are accessible under the menu structure "Administer" > "Administration Console" > "Benchmark results" where you can download them (or delete them)

Benchmark results page

Note: Due to its nature, it's preferable to execute it via console, to avoid any potential PHP timeouts through the UI.

Please feel free to fork it, add MRs or add more tests that you might find useful.

The extension is licensed under AGPL-3.0.


  • PHP v7.2+ with max memory at least 512MB
  • CiviCRM 5.35+

Installation (CLI, Git)

Sysadmins and developers may clone the Git repo for this extension and install it with the command-line tool cv.

git clone
cv en benchmarktools


  • drush cvapi

If you want to view the output on screen (assuming you're executing it via the console):

  • drush cvapi show_output=1

If you want to exclude a test, add the variable exclude and type in the machine-name, like this:

  • drush cvapi show_output=1 exclude=smartgroups
  • drush cvapi show_output=1 exclude=smartgroups,synopsis,mysql, report_contact,report_contribution,apiv4_contact_create,apiv4_contact_delete


Out of the many benchmarks described above, some are CiviCRM related while some others do not actually need a CiviCRM system with contact data, they test the performance of some components. For example, smartgroup cache deletion and recreation relies heavily on your existing CiviCRM configuration and if you don't use smartgroups, there's no actual added value to run this benchmark.

On the other hand, all MySQL tests performed will not need any CiviCRM environment with actual user data, this extension will create a table on its own, generate its own data for the benchmarking purposes and then drop the table, once the benchmark is being completed.

It is safe to assume that those specific tests can be executed as individual server tests.

Regarding the APIv4 contact creation & deletion:

During the creation process, besides the first/last name, we prepopulate the external_identifier field with the value RND-<random 10-digit number>.

During the deletion call, we try to delete contacts which have an external identifier RND-<random 10-digit number>. If the contacts are less than the ones provided in the apiv4count, the exact amount of deleted contacts will be returned instead.


Special thanks goes to:

Support and Maintenance

This extension is supported and maintained by

iXiam Global Solutions