Block Subscriber Confirmation Emails

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Dernière mise à jour: 2024-12-12

Conçue pour CiviCRM 5.38 et plus.

If your organization is sending mass emails, you're almost certainly required by law to provide links in all those emails, allowing the recipient to easily opt-out of all mailings and/or unsubscribe from specific mailing lists.

By default, CiviCRM requires this for all outbound mass email.

However, some organizations are bothered by another feature of CiviCRM which goes along with these links: whenever a recipient uses one of these links, CiviCRM automatically sends an email notification to that recipient confirming their action, i.e., "Dear Allen: Just in case you're wondering, we unsubscribed you from this list. Click the link below to re-subscribe."

This extension removes that headache simply by preventing such email notifications from being sent.

Specifically, this extension prevents sending of automatic notification emails for:

  • Mailing group unsubscribe
  • Mailing group re-subscribe
  • Email opt-out

Who would need this extension?

Anyone who has a reasonable, articulable argument for not sending those automatic notifcations.

Here's one example:

  • An organization has some "exempt" users who cannot legitimately opt-out (for example, they are employees, or students of the university). And of course they also have "non-exempt" users who must be allowed to opt-out, because they're not in one of those exempt categories.
  • This organization send a monthly mailing to a combination of those recipients, so they have to include the opt-out links by law, for the sake of the non-exempt recipients.
  • When an exempt recipient clicks an unsubscribe link, CiviCRM will unsubscribe them (as it should); organization staff will later simply re-subscribe them (under their own internal policy which requires that these recipients must remain subscribed).
  • Nonetheless, this exempt recipient will (per CiviCRM's standard behavior) automatically receive an email notification confirming that they're unsubscribed. While this may be temporarily true, it is, in essence, false (because this recipient is not allowed to unsubscribe). Organization staff now have more explaining to do. It's a headache.

This organization may want to use this extension to remove that headache.

Alternatives and caveats

Read the above carefully. This may not be for you. You might want to handle your unique situation a in different way.


If enabled, this extension will prevent sending the relevant email notifications. No configuration is needed.