CiviMember online Training - Wednesday, March 6th

2019-02-28 11:37
Written by
cividesk - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Are you looking to get started using CiviMember to mange your non-profit's membership? 

This 2-hour online course brought by Cividesk is designed to teach the basics of using the membership module. We start by configuring membership types and discussing the rules that CiviCRM uses to manage membership status. We'll also cover adding new memberships, searching and reporting on memberships, the basics of setting up an online membership sign-up page and how to send out automated membership renewal emails. 

Sign up for the Fundamentals of Membership Management on Wednesday, March 6th at 9 am MT / 10 am CT /11 am ET by clicking here.

Please contact Cividesk training manager and class instructor, Susan Engeman with any questions. Please note that recorded versions of the class are not available.

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