CiviCRM at Wikimedia Netherlands

2016-01-03 03:14
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

1. What was the ambition when you started with CiviCRM?

Automating membership administration, event management en managing our donors.  We also wanted to combine our data from memberships, events, donations and relations so it would be easier to maintain and share our knowledge. Finally we wanted a link between the forms on our website and our CRM system.

2. Can you describe the project in a few sentences?

Working together with CiviCooP we looked at our processes and wishes. CiviCooP then imported all relevant membership data.

Wikimedia Netherlands decided to start the central registration of data of our relations with CiviCRM. so we had no issues with importing historical data.

After the import we kept a double administration for a couple of months to make sure we covered all facets and could solve all issues. Since  1 January 2014 CiviCRM is our CRM system, and we completed the link to the website later than year.

3. What is the role of CiviCRM now?

Processes are faster and our data is complete. Managing events is easier because it is automated. Thanks to CiviCRM Wikimedia Netherlands knows about memberships and donations at a glance.

We do still need a good link to automate our payments with iDeal. That would be a significant benefit for us and probably for other Dutch non-profits too.

4. What was the effect CiviCooP had during or after the implementation?

CiviCooP played an important role in getting to grip with our processes and has adviced us in decisions about what data to keep where.

After the implementation CiviCooP ensures we get important updates. When we have questions we get support from the helpdesk.

CiviCooP played a vital role in during a succesfull and smooth implementation process of CiviCRM and solves our issues since then quickly and adequately.