CiviCRM and Case Management ..

2008-01-02 18:17
Written by
lobo - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
From a mail sent by Michelle Murrain to the NOSI discussion list:

I had a great discussion with Michal Mach and Dave Greenberg of CiviCRM about the new case management features in CiviCRM. I had a look at them, and I felt they are a good start. But they need some help. Getting a free and open source software tool for small organizations to do case management has been something I'd hoped for for a while, and having written a case management tool or two, I have a soft spot in my heart for this problem. I volunteered to gather a small team together of folks who would help the CiviCRM team by coming up with some good use cases, and helping them figure out features that would be necessary for organizations to adopt CiviCRM to do case management. If you know some things about case management implementation in small organizations (this tool would, at this point, probably not work for large orgs with major case management needs) and are interested in helping out, please drop me an email.

You can contact Michelle at michelle at nosi dot net