How you can help CiviCRM ....

2007-01-20 10:25
Written by
lobo - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
I originally wrote this in an email to the civicrm-dev list, but figured putting it on the blog for the record would be a good idea. Community support and input is super important to us in all respects. It lets everyone know how folks are using the product for their organization / business / group. A lot of the features and direction that CiviCRM has gone in has been heavily influenced by the needs and comments of the community on the mailing list and forum. Please continue sending us your thoughts / reviews and critique. Please take the time to make CiviCRM a better product by:
  • Answer support email from folks. There is no such thing as a stupid question or a wrong answer
  • Write new documentation and update the current documentation on the wiki. Write a case study of your use of CiviCRM on the wiki
  • File issues on our issue tracker with detailed instructions on how to reproduce. Preferably reproduce the bug on the demo machine
  • Suggest new features for future versions of CiviCRM that will meet your needs in a better manner
  • Finally, if you can afford it or have the skills to do so, contribute a documentation, usability and/or developer resource to the project