UK usergroup meeting in Manchester, 30 September

2008-09-05 09:59
Written by
michaelmcandrew - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
Thanks to Oliver Gibson (ICT champion for North West England) for finding us a venue for the next CiviCRM UK usergroup: Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisations (GMCVO) from 2.00 to 4.30pm on 30th September. There have been a few interesting developments with CiviCRM in the UK over the past few months, so this should be an interesting meeting and a good chance to catch up. Like last time, the agenda will be quite open, and a report from the meet up available on the CiviCRM Wiki afterwards. Let us know you'll be attending by replying to Oliver's post in the UK forum board. If you have anything you'd like to discuss before the meeting, want to add something to the agenda, or need more information, just post on the same forum. Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisations is at St Thomas Centre, Ardwick Green North, Manchester, M12 6FZ, five minutes walk from Piccadilly Station. Looking to the future, it seems we are settling into a bi-monthly schedule for meet ups, travelling around the country. The next one is pencilled in for London in late November.