CiviLunch Webinar - Custom and Automated Workflows

Creating Custom and Automated Workflows in CiviCRM - Presented by Greenleaf Advancement

It's possible to create custom and automated workflows with CiviCRM using some good planning, the CiviRules workflow extension, and custom activities. After we review these tools, we'll also take a look at the Drupal Webform  CiviCRM integration and WordPress Caldera Forms CiviCRM integration tools to show how to augment your custom workflows even further from forms on your website. Registration closes at midnight on the day of the webinar and seats are limited, so sign up today.

Go to to register.

CiviLunches are free one hour webinars brought to you by Greenleaf Advancement. Depending on the day they begin at either 12 PM Eastern US, 12 PM Central, or 12 PM Mountain (hence the name CiviLunch).

április 7th, 2020 from 12:00 PM to  1:00 PM