June 25: CiviCRM Campfire Chat

 Registration is closed for this event

This month we will be focusing on using CiviCRM to send out mass emails, including email updates, newsletters, event invites and more. .

Rich Lott (@artfulrobot) will sharing the latest information on integrating CiviCRM with email service providers like Elastic Mail, Mailgun, Sendgrid, AWS, Sparkpost and others, and things to consider when selecting a provider or hosting your own, such as cost, email deliverability, and troublesome Terms & Conditions. Artful Robot stitches together the best open source software to help socially progressive campaigns and organisations change the world. They have been working with CiviCRM since 2010, regularly contribute to core and documentation and maintain dozens of extensions. They are based in the UK.

Matt Wire (@mattwire) of MJW will share the latest updates with Mosaico, an open source, responsive email template builder.

Date: Friday, June 25, 2021
Time: 9 am PDT, 12 pm EDT, 5 pm London
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Find your local time.

The first 30 minutes of the chat, we will have time for socializing, asking questions and sharing resources. The following hour will be spent on demos and Q&A. You are welcome to drop in any time during the meeting.

június 25th, 2021 from 12:00 PM to  1:30 PM