“The CiviCRM Community Council - is it for me?”

2022-11-02 09:36
Written by
Detlev - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Join us: Community Council Interest Meeting

Since 2020, the CiviCRM Community Council is elected as an advisory body for the CiviCRM community.

The Community Council meets once a month for a one-hour Jitsi meeting, and discusses upcoming issues, mediates conflicts, discusses recommendations to the project, and keeps in touch with the Core Team.

Currently there are 8 elected representatives active, coming from all areas within the CiviCRM Community Council: CiviCRM users, developers, implementors - diverse people from different organizations from all over the world. It's always inspiring to meet up!

Now, the elections for the next community council are overdue. Caused by the pandemic restrictions they were postponed for several times. Now we are making a new attempt and are looking for candidates from all areas of the CiviCRM community:

“Would this be something for me?”

If you want to learn more about the “why” of the Community Council, if you want to get involved in the community and participate in the expansion of sustainable structures, if you have ideas for the development of the project: Join the Community Concil Interest Meeting:

On Thursday, November 10, 2022, 18:00 - 19:00 UTC (10:00AM PST, 01:00PM EST), the Community Council will change its regular monthly meeting into an informational talk open to new people that are curious about participating. We want to talk about the future direction of the Community Council, discuss your ideas and help you decide if you want to run for the upcoming elections.

Would be great if you were there! Please just email us at communitycouncil@civicrm.org so we can send you the dial-in information for the video meeting.