Help CiviCRM in the 2024 Charity CRM Survey

2024-02-27 01:52
Written by
jamienovick - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Well hello there CiviCRM community!

Your favourite open source CiviCRM needs your help! 

Every year Fundraising Magazine, the UK’s only printed magazine for professional charity fundraisers, conducts a survey to spotlight the best charity CRMs with data gathered from hundreds of different organisations.

This report will help charities looking for a new CRM and highlight trends around CRM usage within the sector.

In the past, CiviCRM has humbly nestled in the 'other' category in CRM rankings, despite boasting nearly 1,400 active sites in the UK alone! But this year, we're determined to change that. We believe CiviCRM deserves its own category, don't you?

And so we’d like to do something about that this year and make sure when charities are looking at new CRMs they are aware of what CiviCRM could offer them.

What you can do to help

Here's where you come in: If you represent a charity in the UK using CiviCRM, we'd be immensely grateful if you could spare a few moments to fill out the survey, proudly selecting CiviCRM as your CRM of choice. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a difference!

Please see the survey below:

🚀 Take the Survey Here: Survey Link

Everyone who fills in the survey gets a free copy of the published results and there’s also one £100 John Lewis voucher for a lucky prize winner!

We’re hopeful that this year with the help of our community we can feature prominently in the survey. This in turn should mean more people learning about all the fantastic things CiviCRM can do and more new faces joining our amazing community.

The survey closes on Friday 15th March, so make sure you fill in the survey before then!

We’re looking forward to hopefully sharing more news on this once the results come out!


2024-02-29 - 04:52

Great initiative – I came across their report last year and was really puzzled not to see Civi listed very high.