2016 Colorado Code Sprint: Day 1

2016-06-06 10:41
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In line with tradition (confirmed by exhaustive research and returning code sprint attendees) I have been tasked with the typical initiation duty of writing a blog post about my first CiviCRM code sprint, specifically the first day. This year's Code Sprint took place early June in Fort Collins, Colorado.

With a kitchen stocked full of snacks and coffee and an entire floor of a very 2016 dorm at our disposal on the seemingly abandoned Colorado State University Campus, the CiviSprint 2016 team (a very welcoming, generous, and jolly group with representatives from around the globe) settled in and made themselves at home.

Led by the core team and the one and only Eileen, we met and decided on a list of topics to tackle over the course of the next few days:

  1. Documentation/Marketing (non-coders…who it is worth noting feel this should be separated into two distinct categories)
  2. Reports
  3. Extensions
  4. Themeing
  5. I18N (Internationalization: translations etc.)
  6. Dev features and bugs
  7. PR Review/Testing (Eileen... the group feels testing should be its own category and also a core part of all six other categories) 

Eileen then led a discussion on how to review and test pull requests (for those unfamiliar pull requests are suggested edits to the code base submitted by members of the community, often referred to as PR's) to the civi-core github repo, on which there will be a future blog post. She tasked the group with doing some damage on the 115 pull requests in the queue.

We then all chipped away on our projects for a few hours before meeting to debrief in the evening. 

Off to a good start in sunny Fort Collins.

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