The Complete CiviEvent Training: Dec 5th and 6th

2019-11-21 09:06
Written by
cividesk - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Want to start using CiviEvent, but don't know where to start? You're in luck, Cividesk is offering both of our online CiviEvent online training classes on consecutive days in December!

This is a rare opportunity to participate in the Fundamentals of Event Managment on December 5th, followed by the more advanced training, Organizing Successful Events on December 6th.  We will cover quite a few essential features in both sessions, so you can start using CiviEvent like a pro! Don't miss out on this chance to improve your skills in CiviCRM, register today.

All classes are taught live and recorded versions are not available. Questions? Please email Cividesk training manager Susan Engeman. 

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