CiviCRM Goals for 2007 ...

2007-01-02 23:48
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As we begin our 3rd year - the team took some time to lay out broad goals for 2007. These goals are intended to help us focus on things that will improve the platform, grow the community and sustain the project for the long term. So without further ado, here our the 2007 goals:
  • Documentation: Incorporate good detailed documentation in the form of tutorial / manual / podcast / screencast / online help as part of each release.
  • Usability: Engage with UX experts to guide us in improving and simplifying the product. Incorporate usability design and testing as part of each release
  • Stability: Incorporate both unit tests, functional tests and load tests as part of each release. This should help reduce the number of minor releases per major release.
  • Release Scheduling: Formalize the release process and probably split releases into developer and user releases. Continue with release early, release often scheme.
  • Financial Model: Increase and diversify current income stream.
We rely on you all - our active and passionate community of users and developers - to keep us on track. So please take some time to review the goals and add your comments and feedback on the wiki page at: CiviCRM 2007 Goals.
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have you'll considered hosting services for hosting CiviCRM in an ASP model ? It may be a diversified stream of revenue but nonetheless a reasonably profitable one to keep the development work going. thoughts, comments ?


Along a similar line, perhaps give businesses that are interested a way to get a support contract, as well as a reskin/recontextualized version of civicrm aimed at more 'traditional' profit-motivated firms? Rather than trying to squeeze the NGOs and non-profits for money they don't have, fill the need for small/midrange businesses who want to enter the CRM arena without going head first into the deepend with salesforce/sugarcrm/etc.