CiviCRM v2.0.2 released ...

2008-04-01 13:21
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Earlier today we pushed out v2.0.2 of CiviCRM. You can download it here. We have fixed approx 67 issues between 2.0.1 and 2.0.2 (this involved approx 170 commits). This brings us to a grand total of 504 issues resolved for the 2.0 series. We suspect (and hope) that the rate of bugs filed / issues fixed will slow down significantly for future 2.0.x releases. There have been some significant changes and improvements to the upgrade procedure, specifically with regard to activity history. More details on this can be found in this wiki page. We've also added code to give better messages in a few common error cases. More details on the blog post here. You can follow these instructions for Drupal or Joomla Here are some interesting / random stats with regard to the 2.0 release:
  • We've been averaging 200+ downloads on a weekday. We crossed 300 downloads the day 2.0.1 was released. There have been 2800+ downloads on CiviCRM since 2.0 was released (12th march)
  • 530 unique sites have pinged back with either 2.0 or 2.0.1 code (365 Drupal, 165 Joomla). We average approx 20+ new pingbacks on a weekday. This matches well with our random estimate of 10% of folks who download it, actually install it :)
  • We are averaging 8K pageviews on a weekday (according to google analytics). There has been a nice bump in this since the 2.0 release.
  • Forum traffic has been growing quite nicely. You can check the stats here
We think that 2.0 has been a pretty good relase are quite happy with the quality of it. We plan on fixing only critical bugs in future 2.0.x releases and move most of our focus / resources to the 2.1 release
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The link for upgrading 2.0/2.0.1 to 2.0.2 is for Drupal sites. Are we safe to assume the fix address script is the same for Joomla sites? Anything else we need to know for Joomla upgrades?

What is the schedule for the 2.1 release? I've seen that 2.1 will be compatible with Drupal 6, which is very important.

for a rough schedule, check:

We'll update the page as things fall into place