Introducing CiviCRM Screencasts ...

2007-08-28 17:18
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One of our community members, Mari Tilos, has started doing screencasts for CiviCRM. This is a big step forward and helps with the documentation process significantly. The initial set of screencasts is at here. The initial set covers Import, Relationships and Custom Data. Once we have a good process going, we will start linking the screencast with the appropriate documentation pages. This set of screencasts is tailored more for the beginner CiviCRM user. Please do comment and give feedback to Mari on the wiki page or forum post (,1032.msg4387.html#msg4387). The screencasts were made using Jing from TechSmith and uploaded to We did experiment with iShowU on the Mac and did not get as nice a resolution as Jing. Unfortunately Camtasia which seems to be the best of the screencasting tools is available only on Windows (for now), so we could not use that. If you have more appropriate tools that we could use for this, please let us know We expect that she will crank out two-three screencasts a week for the first few weeks. So your comments, suggestions and feedback are super important :)
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