Gift aid for CiviCRM released

2010-10-20 11:00
Written by
michaelmcandrew - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Great news for CivICRM users in the UK. CiviCRM now comes with 'out of the box' support for Gift Aid.  The code is freely available for download, installation (instructions here) and use on your site.

Gift Aid makes use of two new features that we've added to core CiviCRM in 3.3, and as such you will need to upgrade your site to 3.3 to make use of this functionality. And what better way to be a part of the 3.3. release cycle!

The module comprises a couple of custom data sets to hold all Gift Aid data, a profile to use on contribution forms to collect this data, a task to batch 'gift-aidable' contributions and a report to submit batches to HMRC (Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs in case any of you  are wondering).  Nice!  The two things we've added to core (because we think they will be generally useful in other situations) are the ability to insert tasks into component task lists, and the concept of batches, which allows you to put any of CiviCRM's entities into batches.  The module currently works with Drupal but Joomla integration (thanks to Joomkit for their sponsorship) should follow within the month.

Watch out for a more technical blog post on how we developed this module coming soon from Lobo.

Thanks for the development of this module go to:

  • Circle Interactive (coding, CiviCRM integration)
  • Millertech (requirements and initial code)
  • Third Sector Design (requirements, documentation, user interface)
  • Deepak and Lobo from the core team (much hard work coding, helping us code, and pushing for the final release)
  • Everyone who attended sessions and worked on Gift aid at the 2009 London developer camp and 2010 Bristol code sprint

Very special thanks go to the following organisations for stepping up and funding this work.  It seems like Make it happen is a great way for organisations to get the functionality they need into CiviCRM:

We're on the look out for further extend and improve this functionality and your further contributions (financial, intellectual, code) will make this happen.


Great news!


Question: why didn't you use tags to group them instead of adding yet another concept (batch) that does the same ?



Here is my justification...

Batching tends to be a one off, and one way process: you add to batch, but don't take away from one.  Entities can only be in a single batch or not in a batch - they can't be in more than one batch.

Anonymous (non verificato)
2010-10-25 - 05:09

Great news!

Guest (non verificato)
2011-11-10 - 22:25

Did the GiftAid module for Joomla get released in the end? If not is it still possible to contribute to the development of a much needed module?


If you would like to work on the joomla version and/or sponsor continued development and maintainance of this module please start a new thread on the forums or contact us on the IRC channel


Anonymous (non verificato)
2012-07-03 - 08:55

Hi, I'm wondering if you can help me - or point me in the right direction to get help... I'm trying to install the gift aid module, but I am getting stuck on the data import, I just get this error message "ERROR: Invalid username and/or pass-word". I've tried every valid user/password combo I can think of so I'm not sure where I am going wrong. Has anybody out there got any tips?