7 February: Video conference on the state of the Wordpress Caldera Forms Plugin

2024-01-19 10:11
Written by
jaapjansma - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

During the UK sprint last December a couple of people (mainly Kevin and
Klaas) have worked on the Wordpress Caldera Plugin. Since May 2022 the
CiviCRM Community took over the maintenance of the caldera forms plugin
(not to be confused with the Caldera CiviCRM Plugin). The caldera forms
plugin is a tool to create forms in Wordpress and the are a couple of
plugins which integrates Caldera with CiviCRM.

Because quite a few organizations uses this plugin on their website to
let users enter data into CiviCRM we decided as a community to maintain
the plugin. Since then not much development has happened, which is a
good sign because it means that the plugin still works! But lately
servers are migrating to PHP 8 which causes Caldera to break.

Right now that seems to be fixed by Kevin and Klaas. However we have not
created a new release yet. Because if we want to do that people would
probably expect all sorts of things so before bringing out a first
release we want to discuss this.

At the moment the Caldera Plugin is not available (anymore) on
wordpress.org but it is on

Feel free to join the video call where we will discuss the current state
of caldera and the next steps.

The video call will be held on google meet: https://meet.google.com/jps-pkef-ggw

On 7th of Februari at 16:00 (CET) / 10AM EST

Jaap Jansma, Kevin Cristiano and Klaas Eijkelboom