CiviCon 2015 in Denver is right around the corner -- April 22-23, 2015. The Program Committee is now opening a call for presentations to invite members of the CiviCRM community to present topics of interest during the conference. If you are interested in presenting at CiviCon, please visit the session submission form, review the guidelines outlined there, and submit your presentation:
Blog posts by lcdweb
A number of forum posts popped up over the last week+ with issues running the system cron job. The cron would report the user/password is incorrect and unable to authenticate, even though the credentials were correct. The issues started to arise around the time v4.4.4 was released so most people thought it was due to changes in that release.
If you are a Joomla+CiviCRM user or implementer in the New York City region, you may be interested in some upcoming sessions at JoomlaDay NYC, September 22-23. Details are here:
On Saturday I'll be leading an Intro to CiviCRM session that will provide an overview of CiviCRM functionality and touch on some key administrator/implementer considerations.
On Sunday we'll do a developer session that covers implementing CiviCRM hooks through Joomla plugins, PHP/tpl override directories, and an introduction to the API.
If anyone from the CiviCRM community is considering attending and has specific things they'd like to see covered, please comment through this blog and I'll see if I can work it in.
For Joomla users out there, you may be interested in a few new and updated 3rd party extensions that provide integration with CiviCRM. A semi-complete list of available extensions with their descriptions can be found here:
Of particular interest are a few for Joomla 1.6+ users:
CiviCRM 3.3 introduced a new hook that allows you to interact with and alter dedupe queries. Unfortunately, it was something of a "hidden hook" as it lacked documentation for quite a while. But it can be quite useful and powerful, and thus deserving of a review.
We are excited to announce the publication of Using CiviCRM, by Packt Publishing – the first full-length, commercially published book covering implementation, configuration, and usage of CiviCRM.
I've been working through case configuration with a few clients over the last several months and have run into a few areas where I think the functionality could be improved. The core team asked that I outline it for the community to see if other groups experience similar workflows and would benefit from these changes.
CiviCRM is considering applying to be a mentoring organization in Google's Summer of Code program (GSOC). If you're not familiar with GSOC, you should be! ( -- it's a fantastic program that can jointly help open source projects advance development, while encouraging students to become involved in the open source community. The basic thrust of the program is that Google sponsors students (monetary stipend) to work on projects for open source software.
Joomla has a developers camp scheduled for Dec. 5-6 in New York City, geared primarily toward an introduction to Joomla 1.6. Details and event registration are found here: (note the reg form uses Civi for event info/registration!).