Amnesty International and Democrats Abroad choose CiviCRM ...

2007-04-14 12:36
Written by
lobo - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
CiviCRM seems to be growing at a fairly nice pace with a good adoption rate in the community. In the run up to the presidential elections, quite a few of the democratic grassroots political campaigns have used Drupal / CiviCRM as their organizing and fund-raising platform. Recently Amnesty International chose CiviCRM as their CRM platform for Project Impact (Drupal was chosen a few months ago for the CMS). This is great news for CiviCRM and we expect this project to play a big role in improving the usability and internationalization features of CiviCRM. You can read more about this and download the RFP from the Important Projects blog. Expressions of interest (i.e. intent to submit a proposal) are due Friday, April 20 at 09:00 GMT. We are definitely interested and excited about this and would like to work with the chosen vendor to help advance the state of CiviCRM Democrats Abroad has also chosen Drupal / CiviCRM as their platform going forward. I suspect this project will improve CiviCRM's permissioning scheme and also provide a basis for organizations to model their national org -> state party -> local chapters hierarchical organizing model. You can read more about this on their blog


I've been telling potential clients that CiviCRM is being used by Amnesty International. One prospect actually called the New York office of Amnesty, and they were told that AI was not using it.

I did some digging on this site, and on it says "Amnesty International. Using CiviCRM to collect website registration data and process online donations." So I went to the AI site, and looked at the source code for the donation page (US), and I saw links to Kintera but no mention of CiviCRM.

Does anyone know if AI is still using Civi? If so, do you know anyone there that a potential Civi user could contact about their experience? If we determine that AI is no longer using Civi, AI ought to be removed from the documentation here.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks! - Guy Orgs like Amnesty International (GreenPeace, Green party etc) have branches in multiple countries and they are not necessarily aware of what platforms the other countries are using. The amnesty site is run by the amnesty secretarait in Europe (we think). CivicActions was the original contractor (and unfortunately did not bother to write a case study). We dont have a reference to hand out, but u should try contacting CA and share if possible Democrats Abroad still uses it quite heavily and does a fair amount of CiviMail.

I am the PM at CivicActions, who currently works with the Amnesty International Secretariat in the UK to maintain and enhance its Drupal/CiviCRM/CiviMail implementation for the main Amnesty International website - Although AI headquarters uses this tool, not every AI department (country affiliate) uses Drupal or CiviCRM for their local website.

Hope this helps.