Dec. 9: Power of CiviCRM Webinar

2014-12-08 08:57
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We would like to invite you to the Power of CiviCRM webinar from 4-5 pm EST. I will be providing an introduction to CiviCRM and sharing some case studies.  Dave Greenberg will also join the webinar to share thoughts about the vision for CiviCRM.  In a recent blog post, he shared, “As we approach our 10th year, I continue to believe that providing open source software solutions for the challenges faced by nonprofits and NGOs around the world is critically important. We want to make sure that organizations can own their own data AND can collaborate on the continual improvements to their tools, rather than incurring the costs of continually re-inventing the wheel with custom and proprietary software. We recently spent some time as a community clarifying our vision for CiviCRM. He added, "A key measure of our success will always be the social good that CiviCRM generates, and the stories that we hear from organizations that are doing amazing and innovative things with CiviCRM."

Date: Tues., Dec. 9
Time: 4-5 pm EST
Click here to RSVP.

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