Find upcoming birthdays and anniversaries

2010-07-17 19:47
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I have created 2 custom searches at that I find useful for finding upcoming birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Hopefully these are useful for other folks too. The new searches can be downloaded from:
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I've been meaning to figure this out but haven't had time. Thank you!!

Guest (niet gecontroleerd)
2011-04-18 - 02:46

I am in need of such a custom search. It seems they have removed it from the wiki page. Could u pls mail me those if available with you (+ any instructions how to run them)?

Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd)
2012-08-07 - 15:02

Hi Sarah,

I downloaded your custom searches, and the one for birthdays works like a charm! Thanks so much for sharing it! I'm having problems with the anniversary search, however. Am I overlooking something, or is there an Anniversary field in CiviCRM? I have set up a custom Anniversary field in a custom field set titled "Additional Demographic Info" and I can't for the life of me figure out how to search by that field. When I run your search I don't get any matches, although I know there should be matches. Can you provide any direction that would help me get this search to work? Thanks so much!

