Northwest England CiviCRM Online Meetup

 De inschrijving voor dit evenement is gesloten
A meetup for CiviCRM Users based in and around NorthWest England and (well...) anywhere really.

Hosted by GMCVO Databases this online meetup will be a chance to catch up, reflect and share on the changes to our working practices that the Covid Pandemic has brought about for everyone.

As well as providing an update of CiviCRM news we'll be asking the following questions, and are interested to hear your answers.

  • Has your use of CiviCRM changed at all?
  • What have you found has worked well?
  • What hasn't worked so well?

We hope this will be an opportunity to take stock and to share ideas and experiences of the last few weeks from a CiviCRM user perspective.

The meetup will be held on Zoom, details will be shared with everyone who has registered before the meeting.

A wide range of refreshments will be available, mostly from your own kitchen.

juni 4th, 2020 from  3:00 PM to  5:00 PM
Online Meeting
hosted by GMCVO Databases
Verenigd Koninkrijk
Phone: 0161 277 1020