CiviCRM Meetup, Philadelphia Nov 20 6-8pm

 De inschrijving voor dit evenement is gesloten
The meetups are designed for those looking to find out more about CiviCRM or considering it for their organization. There are always a mix of experience levels represented and are a great forum for asking your questions or meeting current users and implementors.

Let us know if you are interested in giving a 10 min overview of how you use CiviCRM and we can add you to the schedule.  These meetups are for YOU and are designed to answer any questions you have, so feel free to send us your feedback and we'll be sure to add it to the agenda.


  • Introductions
  • What is CiviCRM?
  • New features in CiviCRM 4.5
  • Presentation:  Delivering a Rich CiviCRM End-User Experience
  • 10 min Presentations by Attendees (not mandatory)
  • Q&A

Light refreshments will be served.

Thanks PhillyCAM for hosting.

november 20th, 2014 from  6:00 PM to  8:00 PM
699 Ranstead Street, Suite 1
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
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