CiviCRM forums upgraded

2011-01-10 03:38
Written by
michal - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Today, we have upgraded our project forums to newest version of the engine that we use. Main rationale behind it was fighting spam - new version has much more tight spam protection features and we hope it will allow to reduce amount of work that community members and core team members spend on keeping the forums free of spam. After the upgrade, forum got new looks - hope you like it. :-)

There are also some quirks after the upgrade - data set in profile fields (CiviCRM, CMS, MySQL and PHP versions) is gone, so it's a good occasion for you to update them. Forum accounts are not integrated with website anymore - you will need to log in separately from now on. We will be working on introducing single sign-on on all of our sites in following months to replace the lack of this functionality. If you notice any additional problems, please let us know on General Discussion board. Adding new posts works for sure, so there shouldn't be any chicken and egg problems. ;-)

Once the new version comes out to be stable and working fine, as the next step we are planning to archive some old posts to make forum content more up to date and helpful for community members. Stay tuned for more news.


That's a shame, how will I know where to find blue pils, wonderful travel opportunities and sound financial investment advices ?


thx, so far so good.



Well done Michal,

The new interface looks really nice.