Custom Dedupe Functionality

Development Status
Active Installs

Last updated: 2021-09-30

Works with CiviCRM 5.37 or higher.

Visit civicrm/admin/dedupesettings?reset=1 for Dedupe configuration.

This page provides your general setting to override the Dedupe Rule for a specific component.

You can configure dedupe rules for each contribution page and profile. Form-specific configurations will get higher priority.

  • Profile ID-specific Setting: if you want a profile ID-specific Dedupe rule, visit the Profile Setting form, then expand the 'Advanced Settings' panel. You will see the Dedupe Rule drop-down list. You can choose the rule as per the fields available in the profile.

  • Contribution Page ID Specific Setting: If you want a Contribution Page ID-specific Dedupe rule, visit 'Manage Contribution Pages' -> Configure -> Include Profile. You will see the Dedupe Rule drop-down list. You can choose the rule as per the fields available in the included profile.

Supporting organizations


Screenshot (click to enlarge)