EU FOSDEM Developer Camp: February 2010, Brussels, Belgium

2010-01-06 08:05
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We're preparing a CiviCRM developer camp in Brussels on February 8th and 9th – right after FOSDEM 2010. Developer Camps are a place where CiviCRM developers, administrator and users can get together around CiviCRM. We'd like you to let us know what you want to see at the camp by commenting on the wiki page. The developer camp is aimed at those that want to learn more about CiviCRM from the people involved in its development. If you are interested in improving your CiviCRM admin skills, learning more about developing with CiviCRM or helping improve the product in any other way, then this camp is for you. FOSDEM meetings are recognized as "The best Free Software and Open Source events in Europe" and participation is free, so coming to Brussels for the FOSDEM weekend might be a very good idea (Xavier Dutoit, Michael McAndrew, Michał Mach and Piotr Szotkowski will be there prior to the CiviCRM camp) You can register for the event already on If budget is an issue, we are offering discounts in exchange for CiviCRM community work (which is another great way to learn about the CiviCRM community). We’ll also be holding a user meet up and CiviCRM showcase as part of this event. For both the developer camp and the user meet up, we’ll follow a similar structure to the camp which happened in London last July (because we got lots of positive feedback from that camp).
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