- Changes to database schema
- API changes
- New features
- Fixes to bugs
- Fix problems installing or upgrading to a previous version
- Potential changes to configuration options
Core CiviCRM updates:
v5.12 introduced a new menu bar. The change also revised the default color scheme (applying a more contemporary palette), but this created stress for some users who were trained to recognize the old menu color. This exposes a new setting for customizing the color scheme, and it changes the default to match previous scheme (be black instead of beige).
Added a DB check to prevent deleting exisiting CiviCRM data from database. (13944)
When installing CiviCRM this change adds a check to see if there are existing CiviCRM tables and requires users to manually remove any CiviCRM tables before continuing to prevent users from accidentally deleting tables.
- CiviContribute
Add cancel_reason field to civicrm_contribution_recur table (dev/core#830: 13930, 13999, and 14164)
Adds a recur cancel reason field civicrm_contribution_recur.cancel_reason field.
Support paying refunds (dev/financial#38: 13952) BEGINS WORK
Adds a PaymentProcessor.refund API which makes it possible for payment processor extension authors to have their extensions issue refund payments.
- CiviMember
Membership form address fields for payment processors (13802)
Standardizes processing and validating address parameters on the Membership form.
This release also includes a number of bug fixes and other improvements, so please check the complete list of changes by following this link.