CiviCRM team meeting now on IRC ...

2008-05-20 16:23
Written by
lobo - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
Most of you are probably aware that CiviCRM is developed and maintained by a team of dedicated developers spread around the world (India, Poland, USA and New Zealand). We have had regular team meeting over IM / Skype the past couple of years on a weekly basis. We figured it might make sense to try holding the meeting in a public forum so more community folks can participate in the development and running of CiviCRM. We plan on evaluating this after a few meetings to see if it's useful to the community and the team. Our current meeting time is 5 am UTC on Wednesday May 21st, which means 5 pm in NZ, 10:30 am in India, 7 am in Poland and 10 pm (Tuesday) in San Francisco. We will meet in the #civicrm channel on IRC ( We try to keep the meeting time to 60 minutes or less. You can find more information on IRC here. The agenda of the meeting is:
  • Status and team reports. Progress on issue queue, any issues to highlight/defer etc
  • Testing status from various groups (
  • Other items (Schedules, dates, consulting projects)
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I'm amazed, I like the idea.

Are the logs going to be kept/visible ?
