2008-05-20 16:23
Most of you are probably aware that CiviCRM is developed and maintained by a team of dedicated developers spread around the world (India, Poland, USA and New Zealand). We have had regular team meeting over IM / Skype the past couple of years on a weekly basis. We figured it might make sense to try holding the meeting in a public forum so more community folks can participate in the development and running of CiviCRM. We plan on evaluating this after a few meetings to see if it's useful to the community and the team.
Our current meeting time is 5 am UTC on Wednesday May 21st, which means 5 pm in NZ, 10:30 am in India, 7 am in Poland and
10 pm (Tuesday) in San Francisco. We will meet in the #civicrm channel on IRC (irc.freenode.net). We try to keep the meeting time to 60 minutes or less. You can find more information on IRC here.
The agenda of the meeting is:
- Status and team reports. Progress on issue queue, any issues to highlight/defer etc
- Testing status from various groups (http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRM/Test+Coverage+-+2.1)
- Other items (Schedules, dates, consulting projects)
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I'm amazed, I like the idea.
Are the logs going to be kept/visible ?
the bot (CiviBot) has been down for some time, we'll ensure its running on a regular basis now onwards