Deduper extension release 1.4

2020-08-30 18:54
Written by
Eileen - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Deduper extension release 1.4

Release 1.4 of the deduper extension is now released. This contains a number of additional resolvers that the Wikimedia Foundations uses to enable more duplicate contacts to be merged without manual intervention.

CiviCRM provides a UI and a script for merging contacts individually or in batches. In addition the deduper provides it’s own UI. In all these place a ‘safe’ merge will attempt to merge 2 contacts and refuse to merge them if they are in conflict. The resolvers attempt to resolve the conflict to the merge can be completed. New resolvers include

  • The diacritics resolver - chooses José over Jose
  • The Misplaced Name resolver. This addresses the situation where it can determine the full name is in the first or last name field.
  • The Initials resolver. This addresses the situation where it can determine the Initial is in the first or
  • last name field - handles ‘T Smith’ vs ‘Smith’ as  a last name.
  • Casing resolver - handles ‘smith’ vs ‘Smith’
  • Equivalent address resolver (handles ‘United States’ vs  ‘California United States’
  • Nick name resolver - saves and uses known nicknames.
  • Preferred contact resolver - a site-wide method can be chosen to identify the preferred contact and specified fields can be configured to be taken from this contact, where in conflict

For a more complete list checkout the readme