Bringing in the New Year with what NOT to do

2025-01-01 11:48
Written by
Stoob - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

We're bringing in the New Year by taking a break from the normal production of more CiviAcademy video tutorials in order to provide a light-hearted look at what may be equally important: what NOT to do in CiviCRM.

If you're new to CiviCRM or even considering using it, our Top 10 Most Common Mistakes Users Make in CiviCRM video showcase could prove to be an invaluable resource!

The items in our video showcase above were sourced from CiviCRM partners and contributors. Please note that the video only lists the Top 10 most common mistakes we see. Rest assured, however, that there are more than 10 things you can do wrong with CiviCRM!

If we missed something that you feel should have been covered, leave a comment below. Who knows, maybe we'll make a video of it? ;)


Spot on, Stoob. (Mistake #1 seems to get them every time!)