CiviEvent Widget for Wordpress

2013-09-27 13:46
Written by

One of our clients was wrestling with getting WordPress events to display within their event calendar, and I finally had enough.  We really just needed a simple WordPress widget that displays upcoming CiviCRM events.

[screenshot of the widget]

A couple hours later, voila: the CiviEvent Widget plugin.  It's really straightforward, but you can generate as many widgets as you like, control the title and number of events for each, and choose among two basic appearance options or theme it yourself.

Please let me know what you think, ideas for improving it, and any bugs or limitations you find.

If you're in the Mid-Atlantic and using CiviEvent and/or WordPress, you might consider coming to the CiviEvent training on October 17 or the WordPress CiviCRM Integration training on December 5, both at the AGH Strategies office in Washington, DC.


Hi Andrew,

A new client of our posts a number of non-CiviCRM events to a WordPress calendar (The Event Calendar), and as we implement CiviCRM for them we want to move to a calendar that can display both CiviCRM and non-CiviCRM events. Do you know of a solution for that, or are you planning to enhance this extension to support that use case? We are currently looking at



Anonymous (nicht überprüft)
2014-07-21 - 09:42

I installed the files in the folder as instructed in the download, but do not see the option to activate the plugin on my WP menu. What am I doing wrong?