Marketing Budget Available!

2013-12-30 11:25
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As part of the Partner Program, a marketing budget is now available for 2014. This initiative was born during last Dalesbridge Sprint and was part of the latest discussions and meetings of the CiviCRM Marketing Committee.

We thought that the best approach was to define a “Budget Revision Group” that will be managing and following up all the budget requests.

The Budget Revision Group for the first half of 2014 is formed by

  • Alejandro Salgado (iXiam)
  • Jamie Novick (Compucorp)
  • Andrew Hunt (Aghstrategies)


The goal is to keep it simple, at least this first 6 months of 2014 until we have some feedback and some experience with the first requests. Then we will be able to modify or improve the process.

What you need to know for sending a budget request.

  1. Current 2014 Marketing Budget: $20,000 USD

  2. The details for sending the requests are here. In this Wiki page you will find important information that you will need to complete in your request. In this page you will find information about

    1. Geographical coverage

    2. Main objectives defined by the Marketing Committee for 2013

    3. Types of activities

    4. Types of expenses

  3. The requests will be sent by email to the budget controller in order to be reviewed. You can find a summary of all the requests in the budget requests summary page

  4. After you complete the action funded by the budget, it is expected that you write a Blog Post explaining what you did and if it was a successful initiative addressing the objective(s) that you were going for.

Happy New Year!