2017-06-08 04:24
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The revamped, rebranded and remodelled UK leg of the CiviCON conference world tour!

Friday 6th October 2017, 9am-5pm, Camden, London, NW1

This year our main event will have a focus on user and implementer/advanced user sessions (i.e., anything you can do without code!), with the developer training happening during the Sprint.

We will be dedicating the conference to charities, organisations, members’ groups and anyone who is interested in learning about using the third sector’s leading CRM and getting the very best out their Civi. Plus we have worked hard to lower costs to make this one-day event accessible to everyone!

There will be lots of networking opportunities for you to meet implementers, developers, partners and consultants for you to discuss your project with.

Early Bird discounts are available if you book before Friday 4th August!

Early Bird ticket: £50; Standard ticket: £75

For more information and to book your place visit:


CiviCRM Training for Administrators, 4th & 5th October

We are also offering a special two-day training session for Administrators before the conference. Book for the training and the conference and get an extra discount.


CiviCRM Training for Developers and Sprint, 7th-12th October

Our annual residential Sprint is your chance to dig deeper into CiviCRM and help push the project forward in the company of others that are doing the same.

Join us for a two-day CiviCRM developer training session. This will take place at the Sprint so there'll be plenty of chances to learn from other power users from the CiviCRM community.

For more information and to book for the Sprint or Training Days visit:


A HUGE thank you to our sponsors:

Gold Sponsors: Circle Interactive, Compucorp and Veda Consulting

Bronze Sponsors: CiviCOOP and Northbridge Digital.

If you’d like to become a sponsor, we have many sponsorship packages available. Please visit the website for more information:

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