CiviCRM training events in London

2010-07-09 04:50
Written by
michaelmcandrew - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
Following on from our training camps last summer, we are very pleased to announce another two training events in London this September/October. The first is aimed at users and administrators, and the second is aimed at integrators, implementors and developers. We'll have folks from around CiviLand joining us for these trainings (Archduke Lobo, Grand High Wizard Dave Greenberg, and more) so you'll be learning from the experts. We received lots of positive feedback about the camps last year and the 'training team' have put a fair amount of work into improving the content of these trainings based on people's feedback. You can see the planned agenda on the event pages, and you're welcome to add specific items that you would like to see covered on the event Wiki pages. Both events are at the end of September, and for the really keen they'll be followed by a 4 day code sprint (details to follow but please get in touch if you would like to play a part in shaping that agenda). We're pretty excited about these events and will hold some other meet up and socials around the time if there is sufficicent interest. So without wanting to push the portmanteaus too far, it looks like October is going to CiviMonth in the UK. Registration for the training is limited to 25 places for each camp so please book early to avoid disappointment. You can register online for both events with the following links: And if you are interested in sponsoring any of these events please get in touch.
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