Webinar - scheduled reminders

2021-06-21 05:05
Written by
wmortada - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Bari Pollard of GMCVO databases talks about scheduled reminders in CiviCRM.

This is a recording of the North East England User Group meeting on Wednesday 19 May 2021. Bari spoke about how scheduled reminders can be used for a variety of purposes including:

  • sending thank you notes for completed payments
  • reminders for meetings
  • event related messages
  • membership renewal reminders
  • birthday congratulations

You can view Bari’s slides here: Scheduled Reminders

Related documentation:

Related extensions:

  • CiviRules - enables automation of various tasks within CiviCRM based on set triggers
  • Chassé - allows you to set up email journeys for supporters

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 8 September and Aidan Saunders will be talking about deduplication. Book a place.

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