24x7 support for CiviCRM companies

2012-10-18 04:14
Written by
CatorgHans - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
At the CiviSprint in Apeldoorn I have spoken with a few people about a 24x7 support system for CiviCRM projects.
I have found a partner in Switzerland who could provide this.
We are still discussing about pricing and setup.
What I see as a possible procedure would be:
One of your customers gets an urgency phone number (they can provide a  lot of phone numbers worldwide). When he calls, the helpdesk has only 3  tasks:
-Is it office hours in your timezone: the call is forwarded to your office
        -Otherwise the helpdesk would have a few question which identify between:
        *Can wait to next day -> a ticket is created and emailed to your office
        *Is a real emergency: Sorry, one of your people will be called, no matter what hour it is.
You will pay the helpdesk per customer who is allowed to call and you  pay extra if that customer exceeds <to be defined> calls per  months. You are free how to charge your customers for this service.
This way we can collaborate in offering a 24x7 service and at the  same time keeping our mostly small businesses in control of our own  customers.
The offering will consist of three ranges
1) standard office hours
2) 1+ weekend
3) 24/7 365 days a year
Let me know who is interested in this kind of service. Pricing will be on a sliding scale, this means the more customers who join, the easier and cheaper it will be to setup
I am not sure yet if this company can offer what we want for the price we want, so I am open for ideas.



Am curious - How will the person answering the phone determine what is a true emergency versus something that can wait until normal business hours.

Various methods:

-First the short questions/investigations

*Does site work at all?

*Do various civicrm pages function?

*What does customer need to do and what does not work?


*I think it would be a good idea to agree with customer that he pays extra for work you do outside office hours

Do you think more is needed? If so, do you have ideas to improve on this?

Good initiative Hans! Let's discuss on the next CiviCRM Meetup NL :-)