Welcome to the new civicrm.org site

2006-09-22 06:28
Written by
Dave Greenberg - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
Over the past few months we've been consolidating our various domains (openngo.org, socialsourcefoundation.org) into one domain civicrm.org. We've also moved most of our infrastructure services from facilities in poland (a big thanx to michal, piotr and caltha.pl for setting this up and helping us grow) to our new hosting providers Eggplant Active Media Cooperative who designed and implemented our new look and feel.

Our last move will be the downloads site, but we need to figure out a better solution over hosting it ourselves to avoid significant bandwidth bills :) We suspect that will happen over the next month or so. We'll also be theming the other sites (wiki, issues, faq, lists) to match the new look and feel.

Its quite amazing the amount of time we need to spend on infrastructure and other details in building CiviCRM!

The team hopes to blog on a regular basis giving the community updates on our latest development focus and cool things that we've found and use on the web lobo


Several days ago I downloaded packages at 30 kbps. Today the it was 10 kbps. New website looks great, but need to enhance download speeds.

the download site is in poland where we get pretty cheap/free bandwidth. we will try to move the download to sourceforge.net in the next few weeks, a bit onerous since we release updated versions on a weekly basis
