Survey & Raffle: Help Improve CiviVolunteer

2014-11-18 12:12
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Volunteers play an important role in nonprofit organizations not only in terms of the time they donate, but also because they serve as ambassadors for organizations and frequently become regular donors.  It takes time, effort and good tech tools to grow and manage their volunteer programs effectively. Recruiting, assuring training and skills, sending reminders and giving ongoing feedback are all important to having happy volunteers and a successful project.


Even if you don’t have a formal volunteer program in your organization, like many community organizations, you probably have hard workers who are contributing regularly to your operations. Or maybe you have periodic or annual events that need staffing. CiviCRM enables you to manage information about your volunteers and ensures you have timely and appropriate interactions.

Hopefully you have heard by now of the CiviCRM Extension called CiviVolunteer. The goal of CiviVolunteer is to use CiviCRM’s already powerful tools for managing relationships and tailor them to the purpose and process of managing a volunteer program, including your scheduling needs.

We would like to invite you to play a key role in helping to shape the development of CiviVolunteer.  Please share your experience by participating in our survey. This is one of the benefits of open source, you have the opportunity to influence the direction and scope of CiviVolunteer. Everyone who fills out the survey will be eligible to win one of several $25 Amazon gift certificates.

Click here to take the surveyPlease complete the survey by December 21, 2014. 

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Anonymous (non vérifié)
2014-11-19 - 06:08

Ops, the link URL is broken, it should be: