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Blog posts by KarinG
Greetings from Montréal!
We have officially released CDN Tax Receipts extension 1.4.0 for 4.6 / 4.7 :
Current Features:
Someone asked me to post this here - so that he can give it a try!
I did a Lightning Talk at CiviCON 2016 showing how you can put your Contacts on a Leaflet Map. It only takes a few minutes to put your CiviCRM Contacts on a Leaflet Map if you're using Drupal. Leaftlet is an open-source JavaScript Library for interactive maps. In addition what's really cool is that you can color the PIN based on the value of a CiviCRM custom field!
Karin used to write code for musculoskeletal computer models/simulations at The University of Calgary and at Arizona State University as well as in a corporate research environment. It was great fun to laser digitize and reconstruct Australopithecus Afarensis in computer code to make 'Lucy' walk and to help design and evaluate the performance of high-end soccer boots using computer models. Then one day a (now) dear friend came over for coffee.
Update: we've arrived at the point where we are going to be transforming our CiviCRM CDN Tax Receipts Drupal module - to a CiviCRM extension. Thanks to my projects, and Jake's from Peaceworks and Lola's from Freeform we have been able to add a huge amount of functionality during 2013: e.g.
This module produces CRA compliant Tax Receipts. It's currently housed in the Drupal Sandbox: - lots of development on its way to include more features and to bring it up to the level of a full Drupal project with stable releases for both D6/D7 and a variety of CiviCRM versions. After these releases future development will focus on making this into a CiviCRM extension.