CiviCRM meetup in NY - Report

2007-12-23 11:51
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A few of the NY based CiviCRM folks gathered together near Union Square in NY. We lucked into a pretty good meeting spot, thanx to fellow CiviCRM'er Chris P. We had 10 people participate in this meetup. This included a couple of folks who were in the investigative stages regarding CiviCRM. The agenda and some of the highlights include:
  • History and background of CiviCRM. Quite a few things we do, have some amount of historical context which puts things in perspective. A good example is the complexity of CiviMail is due to the inheritance of architecture from EmailNow and hence focus on using proven components like postfix/amavis etc
  • Status update on CiviCRM v2.0. v2 addresses two main issues with CiviCRM. Performance and extensibility. With the schema changes, we've tackled the performance issue a bit (still quite a ways to go, but its a start). The extensible search architecture is a good start for how folks can extend and customize civicrm search
  • Dave and Ben from Digital202 had some great questions and ideas on how to improve CiviCRM usability. They promised to come back with some concrete suggestions to be discussed on forum. Some of those ideas might make it into the 2.0 release
  • We had a good discussion, led by Cynthia, on how AFSC uses CiviCRM and some of the things they need improved. This definitely helps us improve the applicability of CiviCRM to medium and large sized organizations. Quite a few of Cynthia's suggestions will make it into a 2.0 / 2.1 release.
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Thanks for the write-up.

I just wish I had been in town that week and could have made it.


Hi Lobo

I hope we can have an event in Australia some time - we'd love to participate!

I know that this event/post was happening on your vacation time, so talk of some of Dave and Ben's ideas possibly making it into the 2.0 release suggests the code freeze and subsequent alpha release are being pushed back further. Is that right? Any plans for new dates for the rough timeline at ?

Enjoy your vacation and thanks for all your team's work!

May 2008 be an even more successful year for CiviCRM.


Hey andrew:

i've updated the wiki with some new dates. i've made them a bit conservative given that this is the holiday season and folks are travelling etc. We had underestimated the amount of time the training would take along with the minimal amount of work we got done while travelling (w/kids). I'll blog about it later today.

If we do return to NZ in feb next year, we should definitely do a training/meetup in australia :)