Volunteers needed to showcase CiviCRM at Bay Area events (BADCamp and OSCON)

2009-06-02 13:27
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We are looking for folks who can help us out at the following events. Both these events are in the San Francisco Bay Area
  • Drupal Camp San Francisco - June 6th: We have attended prior badcamps and the sessions have been well attended. Depending on your skills and knowledge you could potentially do an Introduction to CiviCRM or Advanced CiviCRM or Modules that effectively use Drupal and CiviCRM (Views2, civicrm_member_roles etc). We can help you out over phone/email prior to the event. We are not in the Bay Area that weekend :(
  • OSCON 2009, July 20 - 24, 2009: OSCON (open source conference) is the premier open source conference and is being held at the San Jose Convention Center. We can potentially get a free booth and table to exhibit and demo CiviCRM. We need someone willing to coordinate the logistics and recruit volunteers to man the booth. The other alternative could be to share a booth with another project (Drupal, Joomla)
If you can help out at either of the above events, please let me know (lobo at yahoo dot com). CiviCRM is at a stage now where getting broader exposure will benefit the product and the community. Please consider helping out
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